Gelo movie rating
Gelo movie rating



It has so many cheesy lines that out of context it could seem as taken from a spoof movie (like that popular Portuguese expression that must not have a similar in English but would be translated to something like this: "He went away to buy cigarettes and never came back"!! From this point you can see the quality of this screenplay!!). She is a thinker, and it is this gift of hers- this ability to think for herself and make her own decisions ( for the most part) that causes her personal and family problems from her first love to her forced toxic marriage, and all the events surrounding these two major events in. She is a from a working class Jatt family in the Punjab State.


Besides the plot is full of holes and disconnected traces which end in a pseudo surprising conclusion which just bury this film even more! Yes, it doesn't start too well but it ends even worse! The acting is not good either, especially on the secondary roles. Gelo is about an incredible woman by the same name. The main idea of the plot is not that bad (it was this main idea together with the trailer - which is very well done, in opposition to the movie (!!) - that motivated me to watch this film by the way…) but all the plot's disclosures are terrible. Everyone knows the major qualities of Nicolau Breyner as an actor and also as a TV director, and it was this last feature, his large curriculum directing TV programs, that made take for sure that his movies could not be bad The second time I feel so wrong about this If CONTRATO was terrible this last movie is not better, maybe just a little bit in production, because all the rest is awful. Two times in a row! The second time I watch a movie directed by Nicolau Breyner expecting to see a nice film, the second time I get a big disappointment! The first one was CONTRATO and now A TEIA DE GELO.

Gelo movie rating